Daily Story

1 min readMay 19, 2021


Where I live it can get really boring. BUT! Today I played with my sister out on the slip n slide. Oh my goodness I got so many bruises! I get reallllllllly bored here and I need stuff to do. With my school having one more test, I will have nothing to do in the day.

I really hope that I can get my vaccine soon. Everyone in my family has theirs, but I do not. Soon hopefully I will be able to go places other than outdoors.

This Friday, I will be going to Dow Gardens, and Whiting Forest. It is so beautiful there so I will be very excited to go.

I found out about this through Thisissand by Reetika De, or as known in Thisissand, Scarlett124. I will use this a lot, and read many other people´s stories. Have a good day, or a good night! Bye!




I play thisissand. I am involved in many sports. That is pretty much all I want to share about myself! Hope you like daily stories about my life in America! Bye