Backyard Fight

2 min readMay 19, 2021


It was a cold and stormy night- no no no. This happened yesterday in my backyard. Me and my sister were having a water fight. We had bunch o balloons, and a slip n slide. Then the fun began!

When I got the slip n slide out, I had to get it set up. There was one thing that I did not understand though. There were these stickers that were so sticky. I dont know why they were there, but one thing I can tell you is that the stickiness does NOT come off. But I just ignored that when slip n sliding!

My sister got home from work to a great surprise. She had to go to a meeting so she could not play in the water with me at the time. She watched me use the slip n slide and then had to go. I played for a little longer then came inside to get a snack. My sister´s meeting died, so she got off a bit sooner.

Short after we got to go outside. We kept bugging my brother to come out with us, but he said no. We got outside and since I had not turned off the water, there was a GIANT POND on the slip n slide. When we got the bunch o balloons, we played a game where if you pop the balloon when you catch it, or throw it behind the other person and it pops, you have to go down the slip n slide. The reason being that the water was now SUPER cold. We kept playing untill we ran out of water balloons.

We had to clean up all of the little balloon pieces and let me tell you that it was NOT easy. We had to fine little pieces of orange, green, and blue. They were scattered all over our backyard! Some near the slip n slide, or some near the fence, and some even all the way to the batting cage! I just could not believe how many there were. But we got all of them picked up, rather we liked it or not!

That is what I did most of yesterday. I had fun in the water, while spending time with my sister. Maybe yes, we got MANY bruises, but it was worth it!

Please check out my page on thisissand! Also check out Reetika De´s page on Medium, and on thisissand! Check out Emma Grace Stokley´s page too! Reetika´s name in thisissand is Scarlett124, and Emma´s name is artisticmatters. Also check out 12343´s page on thisissand, shoutout_channels page, and K8EROT´s page as well. Have a good day and hope you enjoy this story!





I play thisissand. I am involved in many sports. That is pretty much all I want to share about myself! Hope you like daily stories about my life in America! Bye